Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Integration is now part of the free version of Leica FOTOS.Date & Time Sync: For all up-to-date Leica M10 cameras.Extended Settings Options: For Leica M10, M10-P and M10 Monochrom.Download Progress: Shows downloaded photos.Always-on Screen: While remote recording videos, the smartphone display will remain on.Improved loading of photos in the background.Remote Settings: Camera settings in the Remote function are now always synchronized with the app, both when connecting and disconnecting the camera.

Small Previews: A new option for smaller file size downloads for easier sharing is now available.This feature can only be executed on cameras with Bluetooth. Improved Geotagging: Images can now be geotagged whenever the shutter is pressed on the camera while paired to Leica FOTOS 2.1.Keep reading on for more details on each one.

Here's a quick rundown of the new features in Version 2.1. To download the FOTOS app update, head to the Apple App Store for iOS or the Google Play Store for Android. One of the most notable additions is the ability for any Bluetooth-enabled Leica camera, inducing the SL2, Q2 and the current lineup of compact cameras, to receive GPS data from the user's phone, which will then be embedded in the image files' metadata. Many of the updates were developed based on user requests, which is always great to see.
Today, Leica has released a significant update to its FOTOS mobile app for iOS and Android.