As a parent, I am angry at the other parents and at the school system. I feel for her safety and that it has really affected her self-esteem. She blocked so many people but it has really affected her. People were texting her and calling her as well as posting on Facebook. She feels isolated because they went throughout the whole school telling lies about her. They actually said they had been planning all of it!! We thought it would quit once we took her out of the school, but they did not quit. The awful part was while they were doing this they were acting like they were her friend and staying at our house. The girls thought they it was funny and tried to make it look like my daughter had been saying ugly things about them. The bullying did not stop at school, it went on further onto Facebook. They acted concern but did not act on the information. We approached the school which did nothing. ""My daughter has recently been bullied by her so called "friends" so badly that we had to take her out of the school and enroll her in a private school which allows us to home school since it is such a distance to travel. Even though it may seem like there is nothing that can be done to stop the cyberbullying, don’t give up. We read every one of these stories and please know that you are not alone. We use these stories to educate the public about the serious nature of cyberbullying with the goal of preventing others from doing it. The more detail you can provide the better. You can anonymize your experiences if you’d like, and we promise to maintain your individual confidentiality to the maximum extent of the law. If you feel comfortable sharing your story, we would like to hear from you. If you are a parent of a child who is being cyberbullied, please see: Responding to Cyberbullying: Top Ten Tips for Parents and educators should review: Responding to Cyberbullying: Top Ten Tips for Educators. If you are an adult who is being harassed online, see our recommendations here. If you are a teen, check out: Responding to Cyberbullying: Top Ten Tips for Teens. We have many resources on this site to help you deal with cyberbullying. Share and read cyberbullying stories posted by others below. Report Cyberbullying | Social Media Apps, Gaming and Online Platforms.Social Media, Cyberbullying, and Online Safety Glossary.Bullying and Cyberbullying Resources, Research, and Help